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Definition of zealot, meaning of zealot


zealot (plural zealots)

  1. one who is zealous, one who is full of zeal for his own specific beliefs or objectives, usually in the negative sense of being too passionate; a fanatic
  2. a member of the Zealot movement

6 letters in word "zealot": A E L O T Z.

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Words found within zealot:

ae al ale aloe alt alto at ate azo azole azote ea eat el elt et eta la lat late laze lazo lea leat let lez lo lot lota lote oat oe ole olea ta tae tael tale tao te tea teal tel tela to toaze toe toea tola tole toze za zea zeal zel zeta zlote zo zoa zoea zoeal

Word lists related to zealot:

Words within zealot, by length
Words starting with zealot
Words containing zealot
Words ending with zealot
Words formed from zealot by changing one letter
Words starting with zealot by next letter
Words that start with the letter z
Words that end in the letter t
Words starting with ze
Words ending in ot
Words beginning with zea
Words that end with lot
6 letter words starting with z

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