Definition of kip, meaning of kip
kip (plural kips)
- (colloquial) or (informal) sleep, snooze, nap, forty winks, doze, siesta
- I’m just going for my afternoon kip.
- (obsolete) Piece of flat wood used to throw the coins in a game of two-up.
- Very untidy house or room.
- A unit of force equal to 1000 pounds-force (lbf) (4.44822 kilonewtons or 4448.22 newtons) or sometimes equal to 1000 avoirdupois pounds.
- In gymnastics, a move or maneuver from below the equipment to above it.
- The unit of currency in Laos, divided into 100 at, symbol â‚.
3 letters in word "kip": I K P.
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